
Removing Local Pickup Options if Other Shipping Method is Selected

It would be good to hide the Date / Time selector and Customer Note if the Local Pickup is not selected.
I have a total of four shipping options – free shipping, two expedited shipping, and Local Pickup.
If Local Pickup is not selected, the options are still shown. It is a bit confusing to shoppers when there is a date and time selection and they are picking a shipping option.
I have taken care of the issue with some Javascript on the Checkout page that hides the pickup info if any of the other selections are ticked. It would be very nice to have this available by default in the plugin.



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  1. Hi there, did you try enabling this option?:

    It makes the plugin control which shipping methods are shown based on the order type selected. So Local shipping would not show if the order type is “Delivery” and vice versa